Although I didn't really need convincing, today's mail has provided the clinching piece of evidence confirming my belief that the world has definitely gone mad. Nothing too dramatic, I should point out: no religious tracts promising eternal life through cloning (hi Rael*) or eternal hellfire (of course I'm going to hell: I'm a godless sodomite - duh!). Not even a severed finger or a gift-wrapped dog turd.
No, just a letter. Specifically, an invitation from Who's Who in Australia ("Australia's famous biographical reference title," it burbles, with all the charm of a stagnant brook. "Packed with difficult-to-find biographical details about Australia’s most high profile and inspiring people.") to submit my details for a listing in their next edition.
To quote Groucho Marx, "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members".
[Exit stage right, laughing wildly.]
* Don't you just love a prophet whose website describes him as "Singer/Songwriter, Racing-car Driver, Messenger of Elohim"?)
well, i taught my students about you so it was only a matter of time before the recognition became official.
i like to celebrate these little victories, babes - proud of/happy for you.
Hahaha! YOU MUST SUBMIT. Your details, that is.
And if you're anything like me, you'd stretch the truth to breaking point. You, too, could be a singer/songwriter, racing car driver and messenger of Elohim! It'll say so in Who's Who!
Watchout, you'll be in my famous biographical reference title next.
I agree with Born Dancin'... submit your entry. Although I think "Who's Who" doesnt really provide you with great info about Aussies in power (maybe it's the layout I dont like)...
I think it's nice you got the recognition you deserve for all the work you do in this here town.
Sadly I have already thrown the letter into the bin, so I won't be submitting anything; though if I had, I probably would have included something about being a keen camel racer and llama wrangler just to see how alert the editors were...
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